Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekend Plans-Cleaning, Playing, Shopping and More!

It is a beautiful weekend with fall-like temperatures. I am loving it! I took my son to the park this morning, and he had a blast! I think we may go back again tomorrow, if we have time.

Now that the little one is napping I will be off to clean the house. Nothing like having lots of people over to get you motivated to clean. I am actually having an At Home America party on Thursday, so I want to try to get the place looking nice. Some of the friends I have invited from work and elsewhere have never been to my house, so I don't want it looking like a pigsty! I am sure my son will still manage to have toys strewn around the living room no matter what though. Oh well. Welcome to a home with an active toddler!

Although I am doing some extra cleaning today, I have been trying to get rid of clutter all summer. I have gotten rid of several things through my local Freecycle. Check out your local Freecycle if you never have. It gives your discarded items a second life and helps keep items out of landfills.

Tomorrow I will be doing more cleaning, but we will head over to Best Buy to pick up some new Elmo videos for my son. They are on sale tomorrow for $7.99 each and you get a free Sesame Street plush. My son will be all over that! "Watch Elmo?" is a frequent question/plea in my house, so mommy even appreciates the opportunity to get some new Elmo videos to add to the rotation. I have some of the old ones memorized. Between Elmo, the Wiggles, and Thomas my brain is regressing to toddler mode. I think I will appreciate going back to work at the start of the school year just to not have to listen to the same Wiggles songs every day.

Enjoy the weekend!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.