Monday, August 11, 2008

A Relaxing Day

I finally went and used a gift certificate I got for Christmas today. It was for a local spa, so I went and got pampered! The best was the spa pedicure. The special pedicure they were doing this month was a strawberry ice cream fizz with a chocolate mask and they serve you strawberry ice cream while you are getting the pedicure. Heaven! The best part was the massaging chair as my back was killing me! I can tell that it is a week for a chiropractor visit. I can't seem to go more than two weeks without an adjustment. The adjustments really seem to help with my constant back pain.

Another bonus was that I got a coupon for a discount on another pedicure before the end of October. While I wouldn't normally bother once the cooler weather starts to set in, I think I might just indulge in another pedicure. Mommy's can use some relaxation time at any time of the year!


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