Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The CPSC Visit

Today I had a visit from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Yes, at my house. There was recently a new recall of cribs from Simplicity. This is at least the second major recall from this company. They are now out of business, but the cribs continue to be recalled. B.'s crib model was included in the latest recall but not his date code. I called and filed a report because when we purchased the crib we had issues with the crib not going together properly, and the drop-side never worked right. Our major issue was with the solid-side because the screws never really caught. After a lot of work, we got it together, and Steve was confident it was okay.

I received a phone call yesterday saying someone wanted to come out to photograph and inspect the crib ASAP. It was a priority. Since I had off today, the representative came today. I only called to file the report last week! The rep. took lots of photos, measurements, and asked a lot of questions. She even took the instruction manual to a local copy shop to copy it. She was very nice, and assured me the crib appeared sound at this point. Unfortunately, she is not able to follow up with me after this, but she suggested I continue watching the recalls to see if the recent recall is extended to include our crib's date code.

If anyone is interested in keeping current with CPSC recalls, you can sign up for recall emails here. http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCList.aspx There are several subscription options, so you can select the one that you are most interested in receiving.


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