Sunday, September 7, 2008

The New Daycare Classroom

Well, B. seems to be enjoying his new daycare classroom for the most part. He loves the new toys, special activities, and going outside more often. There was even a day this week that he told me he didn't want to go home because he wanted to play.

He is having a few minor issues that I am hoping will get straightened out as time goes by in the next few weeks. One is nap time. While B. is used to music at nap time, the music in this room is played much louder. There are also a lot more kids camped out on mats around the room. The two things together are apparently keeping B. from settling in and getting a decent amount of sleep in. Most days he is sleeping only 1 hr. when he usually sleeps 2 hrs. + at home and in his old classroom. This is causing B. to be extremely cranky when we get home. He has to get up at 6 AM on several days of the week when Steve and I work the same days. B. is jut not getting enough sleep some days and shorter naps are not helping. He already goes to bed at 7 PM, so I am not sure we really want to make that any earlier.

B. is also apparently feeling a little stressed in the bathroom department. This room is very focused on getting kids potty trained. I am glad because we have been working on it at home, but not as much as in his classroom. He has only really gone on the potty maybe 4 or 5 times in the last 2-3 months. In t his daycare classroom they sit him on the potty before every diaper change and keep sticker charts. This all sounds okay to me, but from what we can figure, the constant potty sitting and the fact new people are changing his diaper has lead him to hold his #2 and gets him constipated. Then he has a bellyache and is even crankier than before. bet that was all more than you really wanted to know! Sorry for the TMI!

As I said, I think the new classroom will be a good thing once we get a few things worked out and B. starts to feel a little more comfortable with his new teachers.

Hope you are having a nice weekend!


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