Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It is really hard trying to get back on the school year schedule. B.'s sleep schedule is all out of whack making him rather cranky. We are trying to get him on our new/old schedule again, but it will be a few weeks before he really adjusts. Mommy is tired too! I stayed up rather late most nights in the summer, so I am having to make myself go to bed earlier even though I still have tons of work to do. Luckily, my insomnia is not an issue right now. I think this is the first year I actually slept the night before my first day teaching for the school year. Maybe that is because this is now my ninth year teaching?! I am just happy I can sleep because I am exhausted.

I hope to give a report on how B. likes his new classroom at daycare tomorrow night. Stay tuned.


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