Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daycare Update

I spoke with the director and the teacher that changed B.'s diaper. They both apologized and just said they had no idea how it could have happened. After talking to the teacher about how she changed his diaper, I quickly figured out how it happened. Because B. doesn't like when she changes his diaper, she only scooted his shorts down a tiny bit and pulled the diaper out. I think the BM rolled out into his shorts, and she was just oblivious that it happened. Ugh!

Luckily, B. moves up to a new classroom on Tuesday. This particular teacher is almost never in his new classroom. I am hoping it stays that way, so we can avoid any more diapering issues with her.

I am REALLY excited that B. is moving into the new class. I really like both of the teachers in his new classroom. They also try to teach the kids the Spanish and sign language for common items around the room. I think he will really enjoy this new class.


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