Sunday, February 8, 2009

He did what in his crib? Yuck!

I took B. up for his nap today at our usual time for the weekend. We followed the usual routine. He was having trouble falling asleep, and I had went in to restart his music once and to tell him to stop throwing stuff out of his crib once (I would have ignored it, but he was hurling trains and books full force at his walls and pictures.) After about 45 minutes I decided I would just give up on his nap. He was happy, singing Old McDonald, and not sounding the least bit tired. I was actually thinking we could go to the park since it was extremely and unusually warm today. Boy was I in for a surprise!

I walked in the room to find B. naked with his crib and body COVERED in poop! I immediately said, "What did you do!?!?! Why would you do this?!?!?" His response, "I all dirty, Mommy. I need to get up now."

Once I got my jaw off the floor and had two seconds to think, I carried him as far away from my body as possible into the bathroom and started scrubbing him with wipes. It wouldn't come off in some places as it had started to harden. Ugh! It was under finger nails, between toes...OMG!!!!

Approximately a dozen wipes, clipped nails, a bath, and a lot of scrubbing later, B. was clean and dressed. I then spent the next several hours cleaning his room. My hubby had to work, so I was on my own. I just threw out the crib sheet as it was disgusting and actually a little ripped around the edges in a few spots. His blankets went through the wash twice and seems to have come clean. He was naked, so luckily his clothes were not nasty. He threw those over into his hamper before he went to the potty in his crib! How thoughtful.

After disinfecting the crib, the walls, and everything he touched, his room is almost back to normal. Luckily with the warm weather, I was able to open the window and air the room out. I am hoping this was a one time deal. We are potty training him, but it has been a very slow process. He will only pee once or twice a day on the potty, and he has yet to go #2 on the potty at all. We do have a new rule though. Only Mommy and Daddy or a big person is allowed to take diapers off. Not B.! much for going to the park and enjoying a nice day outside. We did go for a walk later, but it just wasn't the same.


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